A month ago, on the Summer Solstice, I announced that The Mystery School was getting an upgrade and I would like to take some time to tell you more about it.
It’s been some time that I was contemplating a change. You see, as women we are not static beings. And so, for a long time the format and the way the content was being delivered didn’t feel right. So let me take you through the transformation.
Reclaiming Sacred is an immersion journey personally guided by me, that combines the teachings of The Mystery School and the Art of Ritual. This journey will be over thirteen weeks so as to get intimate with one another and support each other in beautiful, private and Sacred online space. The journey will allow you to go at your own pace with special assistance and guidance that I share with you each week to keep you accountable to yourself. As women, our giving nature often means that we are known to spread ourselves thin – this course is your allowance to take agency for specific moments in your life in which you cultivate magick that is special and unique to you.
Upon reviewing the content I had created for the former Mystery School, I realised that some teachings were going too deep and without the proper foundation, one might get lost in all of the material and not understand how to navigate the subjects or understand how they work together and build on one another. I have arranged for us to explore a specific theme in depth through each week of Reclaiming Sacred. Each week new content will be sent via email, along with a lecture, prompts, insights, suggestions, and practises to guide you throughout the journey. The content will often reflect the Season we are in as you know that part of my philosophy and practice is to honour the Sacred Cycles of the Earth and allow them to guide me everyday. This is a mentorship in which your ascension will be prompted and guided by our Earth, where we will learn to work with, rather than against our natural rhythms.
The subjects we will dive more deeply into are: Sacred Space; Elemental Magick; Inner Mastery as Outer Mastery; Ancestral Healing; Womb Healing and Activation; Intention Setting; Manifesting Magick… just to name a few (and of which I am preparing the content as we speak!).
The thirteen-week journey will not only be supported by myself but by the beautiful women who choose to practice alongside you. We will communicate with each other via a private What’sApp Group for interaction and accountability. We are all here to learn from each other, to support each other and to hold each other accountable because if one woman succeeds, we all rise!
Our journey will begin in ceremony on the New Moon in March and within the first week, I will guide you through a Daily Practice that we will all perform throughout the thirteen-week journey. This Daily Practice will become our personal foundation for our journey; its intention is as a point of remembrance and reflection as we understand and peel back the layers of conditionings to reclaim what is uniquely Sacred to us. Therefore, the theme for this thirteen-week journey of Reclaiming Sacred is Know Thy Self and we will be re-connecting and getting to know ourselves each week up until Equinox.
If you’re open to discover more and create magick in your life, I invite you to join me. Simply follow the link here to read more about this beautiful experience. I am offering a Triple Goddess Scholarship to three women committed to journeying with us and to receive the guidance and support they might be looking for but may not have access to. I very much look forward to sharing space with you.
On a final note, the registration is closing soon! Make sure to sign up before the deadline to receive an exclusive Ritual Kit I made for the journey. The Know Thy Self Ritual Kit is unique to this experience and filled with all the necessary tools and objects you will need throughout the journey. It is included with your purchase, so be sure to sign up so that you get it in time!
As always, thank you so much for being here.
Much love,
Brooke xx